Coming soon, in the meantime please contact the Race Director (Kim) with any questions. 


If you are interested in helping on race day, or you would like to sponsor the event please contact Kim


The rules we have for the race are standard and straightforward:

Risk Management

1. This event is insured for public liability by virtue of Team Bath AC, the organising Club, being affiliated with UK Athletics. The up-to-date certificate plus full details of coverage can be found on the website under ‘Governance’.

2. A full risk analysis has been undertaken, which we will continue to update towards race day. Some responsibility falls on participating individuals to follow advisory and mandatory guidance

3. In the event of an incident or an accident the organisers will complete a UK Athletics accident and incident form.

4. Witnesses or helpers at the time of an incident should collect the following information for the race organisers: Date and time; description of incident with photos if possible; name, address and contact details of victim; nature of any injuries; details of any first aid of later treatment; names of those giving treatment and details of the reporting person.

5. In the event of the theft or disappearance of property or valuables, these should additionally be reported to the race organisers and the Police.


6. All runners will be aged 15 years or older on race day.

7. The race is open to attached and unattached runners. Attached runners are members of a UK Athletics (UKA) affiliated club. Unattached runners must pay an additional entry fee of £2 to meet the terms of race registration and liability cover.

Individual Responsibilities

8. Running with headphones or a dog is not permitted and will result in disqualification.

9. A runner who feels unwell on race day or who has a temperature or any of the signs of COVID-19 infection should not compete

10. Runners are asked to look out for each other. If you see any fellow runner in trouble, please take time to stop and provide any support and if needed ask another runner to inform the nearest aid station – as far as possible we will correct the time of any runner who stops to provide assistance to another runner (please talk to us at the finish).

11. Please do not litter the race route and use bins provided.

12. Runners are responsible for counting their own number of laps to ensure the 10K distance is completed on running through the finishing shute. The race is just over 6 laps of the cycle track. 

Withdrawal and transfers

13. As a charity fund rasier, withdrawal refunds are unavailable. An entry can be transfered to another runner if the Race Director is notified by no later than the 7th August 2025, please contact to request a transfer.